Consulting Structural Engineers

Passing the Test

Passing the PE exam at Dunn Associates, Inc. Come work at Dunn Associates and all of your wildest licensing dreams will come true! Working at Dunn Associates was crucial in my epic quest to pass the PE exam. The variety of work the plethora of sage engineers and the flexible schedule helped me train for […]

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Collaboration & Coordination

I have a lot of respect for contractors. They are out working every day, rain or shine, often working long hours to meet tight deadlines. Their work is not easy. It is physically draining and requires a wide range of expertise and constant coordination. There are regularly hundreds of workers on a jobsite at one […]

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May 21, 2021

ShakeOut Recap

With the Great Utah ShakeOut drill taking place yesterday, our team at Dunn Associates, Inc. took some time to reflect on what we learned from our participation over the last 2 years. We polled our team asking the following 3 questions: What did you learn from the earthquake last year? Or from our ShakeOut participation? […]

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April 14, 2021

3D Printing: Building Cities in More Ways than One

For years 3D printing has slowly gained traction in a variety of fields: from printing fun toys, artistic models, functional tools, all the way to printing functional organs out of living cells. In more recent news, great strides have been made by the 3D printing community to print face shields, face mask straps, and ventilator […]

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April 2, 2021

Flying to New Heights

Named the 2020 Building Project of the Year by Utah Construction & Design Magazine, the Salt Lake City International Airport Redevelopment has truly been a once-in-a-lifetime project. The phase that just opened to the public back in September of 2020, took approximately 6 years to complete. In this post, our chief engineer shares his thoughts […]

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February 10, 2021

“Will it Tilt?” That is the Question

Perhaps in your explorations of YouTube you have stumbled across a “Will it Taco?” or “Will it Blend?” video. In these videos, the makers ask one simple question: are we able to do this? Whether we are asking if a chicken pot pie will taco or whether an iPad will blend, we as people are […]

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January 15, 2021